Possibilities of diagnosing the use of marijuana and amphetamine from changes in the microcirculatory bed

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2022-05-07

Associate Professor V. Kutsenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences(1); D. Kovaleva(1);
E. Peresada(2); Associate Professor P. Seliverstov(3), Candidate of Medical Sciences
1-Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia
2-AO “North-Western Center for Evidence-Based Medicine”, Saint Petersburg
3-V.A. Almazov National Medical Research Center, Ministry of Health of Russia, Saint Petersburg

The diagnosis of the use of narcotic drugs is based on different methods and techniques, which have both positive and negative effects of objective and subjective nature. Therefore, the development of different methods for diagnosing the use of narcotic drugs, such as amphetamine and marijuana, remains an urgent problem of modern health care. One of the simple and non-invasive methods is capillaroscopy that allows one to determine changes in the microcirculatory bed when exposed to various chemicals, including narcotic ones.

microcirculatory bed

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