
E. Eremenko(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; O. Kozlova(2), Candidate of Medical Sciences;
Professor B. Borodulin(1), MD; Associate Professor E. Amosova(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences (1)Samara
State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (2)Medical University «Reaviz», Samara

Students of medical universities who study and work in medical institutions are at risk of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The aim of the study was to study the results of in vivo tuberculosis immunodiagnosis methods in medical university students. Materials and methods. The research group consisted of medical university students aged 20–23 years who had a history of BCG vaccination in a maternity hospital without revaccination. Two groups were formed. The first group of 330 people who were not registered with a phthisiologist. The second group consisted of 68 people who were registered in the tuberculosis dispensary in childhood and adolescence. They were given two tests at the same time. The Mantoux test with 2TE in 0.1 ml PPD-L in standard dilution was placed on the right hand, and the Diaskintest test at a dose of 0.2 mcg in 0.1 ml was placed on the left hand. Results. When analyzing the results of the Mantoux test with 2 TU, the number of positive results was approximately the same, regardless of the anamnesis data, and was recorded in the majority of the examined. A test with recombinant tuberculosis allergen made it possible to identify «latent tuberculosis» in 2.2% of cases and form a high-risk group for the development of the disease and take preventive measures.

mantoux test
tuberculosis recombinant allergen
mycobacterium tuberculosis infection

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