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Professor Yu. Ivanov(1), MD; D. Agibalov(1); Professor N. Istomin(2), MD; E. Velichko(2),
Candidate of Medical Sciences; E. Pakholik(1); I. Pozhalostina(1) (1)Doctor Plus Medical Center, OOO
«Medical Plus», Obninsk (2)Federal Research and Clinical Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care and
Medical Technologies, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia, Moscow

The paper gives the authors’ own experience in organizing surgical care for patients with thyroid diseases in a private medical clinic. The main focus is on the necessary conditions, equipment, features of the diagnostic process, and surgical procedures. The paper presents the current international cytological classification that defines the probability of thyroid malignancy and optimal treatment policies for each individual patient. The authors consider visual control of the course of the recurrent nerves and the localization of the parathyroid glands to be the principal and important point of any thyroid operation. The paper describes the operational principle of modern operating equipment: an ultrasonic scalpel and an intraoperative nerve monitoring device for recurrent laryngeal nerves. It lists the main provisions of surgical care for patients with thyroid diseases under the conditions of private medicine.

private medicine
endocrine surgery

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