Therapeutic approaches to the correction of vasomotor and psychoemotional menopausal symptoms

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E. Petrova(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor; D. Chizh(1); N. Herzog(2);
I. Metalnikova(2); E. Panina(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor V. Strukov(3), MD; M.
Skorodelova(1); D. Elistratov(4) (1)Penza State University (2)Department Clinical Hospital, Penza Station,
Open JSC «Russian Railroads», Penza (3)Penza Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians – Branch of
Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, Ministry of Health (4)OOO «Parafarm», Penza

Some of the most common symptoms during menopause are vasomotor disorders in the form of hot flashes and night sweats, and psychoemotional disorders that negatively affect the quality of life of women. Due to the ongoing problems of menopausal hormone replacement therapy (MHT), the search of alternative therapies continues. Objective: Study of efficiency of the dietary supplement «Femo-clim» in the correction of vasomotor and psychoemotional menopausal symptoms. Materials and methods. A randomized placebo-controlled study was conducted involving 40 women with climacteric syndrome (CS) of moderate severity. The patients were randomly divided into two groups: group 1 consisting of 20 women with CS of moderate severity received «Femo-clim» 2 tablets 3 times a day for three month. Group 2 consisting of 20 women with CS of moderate severity received placebo with the same regimen. The dynamics of the symptoms of climacteric syndrome was monitored according to Greene Climacteric Scale (GCS) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). The final result was assessed after 3 months of therapy (on the 90th day). Results. At the end of the treatment, a statistically significant decrease in the severity of climacteric syndrome was shown in the group administered with «Femo-clim» where the indicator of disease severity was 9.4±1.7 versus baseline 17.3±1.25 (p

climacteric syndrome
vasomotor symptoms
hot flashes
night sweats
psychoemotional disorders
quality of life in menopause
hot flashes therapy

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