Surgical treatment for postgastrectomy syndromes: Actual problems

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Professor A. Chernousov, MD, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Professor T. Khorobrykh, MD; M. Zubareva; D. Vychuzhanin, Candidate of Medical Sciences; A. Gorbunov, Candidate of Medical Sciences; N. Abdulkhakimov; L. Uddin; V. Khorobrykh; E. Gel’mutdinova I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

The paper considers the diagnosis and classification of postgastrectomy syndromes, their causes, treatment, and prevention. Based on the analysis of Russian and foreign researchers’ publications on the treatment of postgastrectomy complications, the authors demonstrate different unsolved aspects and a need to further develop optimal methods for primary and reconstructive surgical correction in patients with complicated peptic ulcer disease.

peptic ulcer disease
surgical treatment
postgastrectomy syndromes

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