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Professor V. Pavlenko, MD; A. Pavlenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor I. Khalif, MD Stavropol State Medical University

The paper gives an update on irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It considers the classification, pathogenesis, and clinical features of IBS with diarrhea, and its treatment options. It is indicated that there is no current effective universal therapy regimen for IBS, which is suited for patients with its different types. Butyrate (Zacofalc) has been observed to have certain success with recent treatment of IBS in order to reduce visceral hypersensitivity and abdominal pain and discomfort. The paper describes methods for evaluating the efficiency of combined therapy with Zacofalc for IBS with diarrhea. It is concluded that incorporation of butyrate (Zacofalc) in the combination therapy of IBS with diarrhea improves quality of life in the patients and enhanced the efficiency of treatment.

irritable bowel syndrome
anorectal manometry

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