Indicators of hemostasis and fibrinolysis systems and systemic inflammatory response in patients with newly diagnosed sarcoidosis after COVID-19


Professor R. Abdullaev(1), MD; V. Shorokhova(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences;
N. Makaryants(1), MD; O. Komissarova(1, 2), MD
1-Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Moscow
2-N.I. Pirogov National Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow

Objective. To study the indicators of hemostasis and fibrinolysis systems, as well as the systemic inflammatory response in patients with newly diagnosed sarcoidosis after infection caused by SARS-CoV-2. Material and methods. A prospective analysis of the indicators of hemostasis and fibrinolysis systems, as well as the systemic inflammatory response of 20 patients with sarcoidosis, after COVID-19, who were on inpatient treatment in Central TB Research Institute. The patients were divided into 2 groups. The first group included 10 patients with sarcoidosis, who had suffered COVID-19 (the main group). The comparison group consisted of 10 patients with sarcoidosis without a history of COVID-19. Results. It was found, that in patients with newly diagnosed sarcoidosis, who underwent COVID-19, there is a hypercoagulation shift in the hemostasis and fibrinolysis system. This was evidenced by a significant shortening of the indicators of APTT, PT and an increase in the level of D-dimer compared to both healthy and patients, who had not undergone COVID-19. In addition, laboratory manifestations of systemic inflammation were most pronounced in patients with sarcoidosis who underwent COVID-19. Probably, changes in the hemostasis and fibrinolysis system occurred within the framework of a systemic inflammatory response.

systemic inflammatory response
hemostasis and fibrinolysis system.

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