
M. Kashpanov(1); Professor I. Novikova(2), MD; A. Pronkina(3)
1-Murmansk City Polyclinic Two
2-Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk
3-Penza State University

Osteoarthritis occupies a leading position among the causes of disability in patients with rheumatic diseases. The wide prevalence of pathology and the high risk of disability predetermine the need to prevent its development, improve the effectiveness of treatment and conduct rehabilitation measures. The article presents a clinical case on the use of vitamin D and its active metabolites, polynucleotide preparations in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Long-term intake of high doses of vitamin D leads to a decrease in the intensity of pain and functional deficit in patients with osteoarthritis. Vitamin D and its active metabolites compensate for the deficiency of cholecalciferol and thereby reduce the intensity of synovial inflammation in osteoarthritis, at maximum dosages demonstrate a chondroprotective effect by inhibiting apoptosis of chondrocytes, and in the early stages prevent non-adaptive remodeling of the subchondral bone. The results of fundamental and randomized clinical trials allow us to conclude that it is advisable to include vitamin D in the complex therapy of osteoarthritis. It is important to include vitamin D in complex therapy in the early stages of the disease. In addition, there is information in the literature about the use of polynucleotide preparations in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Against the background of treatment with polynucleotide preparations, it is possible to delay the time to arthroplasty, and the need to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids decreases.

clinical case
vitamin D
Osteo-Vit D3.

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