
M. Bazarova; Professor N. Zhernakova, MD
Belgorod State National Research University

The pathogenetic relationship of osteoarthritis (OA) and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in old age is considered. A review of the data shows that the presence of MetS and its individual components is a risk factor for the development of OA in the elderly. The data on the relationship of excessive O-GlcNAcylation, as a result of insulin resistance, with chronic age-related diseases, including type 2 diabetes and OA, are presented. Insulin resistance, MetS and type 2 diabetes mellitus stimulate the development of chronic inflammation. In particular leading to osteoarthritis. OA is considered as a metabolic disorder leading to the onset and progression of a pathological process. Leptin, which is one of the markers of MetS, has been associated with OA pathophysiology. It is concluded that adiponectin and leptin, having both systemic and local effects, are able to influence the vascular wall, the sensitivity of tissues to insulin, glucose metabolism and systemic inflammation, and accompany changes associated with OA. The combination of OA with MetS inevitably leads to a deterioration in the quality of life of elderly patients. This correlation and subsequent discoveries in this area may provide completely new opportunities for finding common therapeutic approaches for the treatment and prevention of these diseases.

metabolic syndrome
insulin resistance
elderly patient

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