Impact of increased gas medium pressure on tooth microcirculation


A. Pototskaya(1); A. Krivonos(1); A. Polikarpochkin(2), MD; I. Klenkov(1), Candidate
of Medical Sciences; T. Poplaukhin(1); D. Klenkova(1)
1-S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, Ministry of Defense of Russia,
Saint Petersburg
2-BAROCOM Sports Medicine Center, Penza

Objective. To evaluate the effect of hyperbaric exposure on tooth microcirculation. Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 14 divers who had undergone a dental examination, followed by a study of the microcirculation of intact and carious teeth, by using laser Doppler flowmetry during simulated (pressure chamber) diving at a depth of 30 m (0.4 MPa) and 70 m (0.8 MPa). Results. In the 30- and 70-m diving groups, the baseline microcirculation of carious teeth were higher than that of intact teeth by 43.5 and 45.2%, respectively (p

hyperbaric exposure
carious teeth
intact teeth
laser Doppler flowmetry

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