Effectiveness of multi-stage breathing exercises in patients after COVID-associated pneumonia

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2022-09-15

K. Mikhaleva; Professor M. Eremushkin, MD; L. Marchenkova, MD; E. Chesnikova; A. Trepova; V. Mikhalev
National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology, Ministry
of Health of Russia, Moscow

The consequences of experienced COVID-associated pneumonia show it necessary to develop a phased set of rehabilitation measures to restore lung function, which can be implemented by patients, including those at home, after discharge from a healthcare facility. Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of designed multi-stage breathing exercises in patients who have experienced COVID-associated pneumonia. Subjects and methods. The investigation involved 30 patients (14 (46.66%) women and 16 (53.33%) men) aged 41 to 80 years. The patients received a cycle of individual therapeutic exercises according to the developed multi-stage breathing exercises in terms of the initial physical capability level. The rehabilitation program was compiled after an objective assessment of a patient’s current physical status. Allowance was made for the following indicators: blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) level, heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), and subjective health assessment by a patient. The program provided for several successive load levels: transition to the next cycle step was made only if the indicators SpO2, HR, and RR were adequate for the current level, as well as in the absence of complaints associated with the intensity of a set of gymnastic exercises. Results. After a rehabilitation cycle, the patients showed cardiovascular adaptations to increasing physical activity: a significant decrease in HR from 87.0 (75.50; 97.75) to 80.50 (70.00; 84.75) per minute (p

novel coronavirus infection
breathing exercises

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