Clinical and morphological aspects of bladder cancer in elderly and senile ages


Professor T. Pavlova, MD; I. Pavlov, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor
N. Pilkevich, MD; D. Bessmertnyi, Candidate of Medical Sciences; V. Markovskaya Candidate of Biological Sciences
Belgorod State National Research University

The clinical and morphological features of the course of bladder cancer (BC) were studied in 152 middle-aged, elderly, and senile male (86.9%) and female (13.1%) patients diagnosed with Stage I-IV BC: stage I in 116 (76.3%) patients and Stages II, III, IV in 36 (23.7%). Most patients underwent transurethral resection. Moderately differentiated bladder tumor was observed in 54.6% of patients. Microscopic examination of the tumor revealed an ordered his-tological and cellular structure with minor signs of nuclear atypia. Carcinomas consisted of cells with impaired polarity, which had lost intercellular contacts with large hyperchromatic nuclei. There were commonly mitotic figures, often atypical ones. There were no tumor histologic differ-ences in different age groups (middle-aged, elderly and senile patients)

bladder cancer
elderly age

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