The impact of combination therapy with Femoklim and Nervo-Vit on the psychological state of women with estrogen deficiency and metabolically healthy obesity


M. Khabibulina, Candidate of Medical Sciences; M. Shamilov
Ural State Medical University, Yekaterinburg

Therapy with the natural non-hormonal drug Femoklim and the combined sedative drug Nervo-Vit was evaluated for efficiency in premenopausal patients (n=45) with metabolically healthy abdominal obesity (MHAO), hypoetrogenemia, and psychological changes. The natural non-hormonal remedy Femoklim and the combined natural sedative drug Nervo-Vit have been established to effectively affect the psychological state of patients during menopausal transition with MHAO and estrogen deficiency. The drugs have a complex versatile effect on the female body and make it possible to safely normalize the level of estrogen and to level off the clinical manifestations of estrogen deficiency. All components of the drugs that are physiologically close to the woman’s body and do not disturb its natural processes. Femoklim and Nervo-Vit show high efficacy and low toxicity, a wide spectrum of action, and a complex harmonizing effect on the body

psychological state
metabolically healthy obesity
estrogen deficiency

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