
T. Potupchik(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; L. Evert(2, 3), MD, Yu. Kostyuchenko(2); A.
Ilyashevich(1); M. Tkach(1) (1)V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University of the Ministry of
Health of the Russia (2)Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the
Russian Academy of Sciences», Scientific Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North (3)N.F. Katanov
Khakass State University of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Abakan

A review of information on the increasing use of electronic smoking products in modern society – vapes (including electronic cigarettes – ES), their characteristics (structure, composition, mechanism of action, effect on the body) is given. The data of studies that have shown that ES, especially nicotine-containing, have numerous negative effects on many organs and tissues of vapers are presented. The results of our own research on the attitude of students to electronic cigarettes are included. It is shown that a significant part of the respondents are critical of their use, believing that ES are harmful to health, involve young people in the process of smoking and conventional cigarettes. Various strategies for the treatment of nicotine addiction (pharmacological and non-drug) are highlighted. As a pharmacological correction, the possibility of nicotine and nicotine-free pharmacological therapy is considered. It is recommended to include psychological and behavioral and alternative therapy in the arsenal of non-drug correction.

electronic cigarettes
health effects
pharmacotherapy of nicotine addiction

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