Bacteriophages: past, present, future


L. Konkova(1); Professor L. Kraeva(1, 2), MD; Professor O. Burgasova(3, 4), MD; S. Dolinny(5)
(1)Pasteur Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Saint-Petersburg (2)S.M. Kirov Military Medical
Academy, Saint-Petersburg (3)Russian Peoples Friendship University, Moscow (4)N.F. Gamaleya National
Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow (5)Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital One,
Moscow Department of Public Health

In recent years, there has been a catastrophic increase in the resistance of bacterial strains to antibacterial drugs. Millions of deaths per year associated with antimicrobial resistance are already being reported worldwide. The spread of the pandemic new coronavirus infection COVID-19 has contributed to a significant increase in the burden on health care facilities, overuse of antibiotics, which in turn has led to an even greater spread of resistant strains in hospitals. At the same time, numerous successful results of bacteriophages use in clinical and preventive medicine give the hope for their effective use as an alternative to ethiotropic therapy, especially in cases of the threat of resistant bacterial strains spread. Further research into the biological properties of bacteriophages and their interaction with bacterial and human cells will make it possible to treat and prevent many infectious diseases with bacteriophages.

infectious diseases
antibiotic resistance

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