Characteristics of immune hormonal and trace element homeostasis in overweight male adolescents and its diagnostic value


V. Popova(1), MD; Professor A. Kozhin(2), MD; S. Selyutina(1), Candidate of Biological
Sciences; O. Puzikova(1), MD; Associate Professor E. Churyukina(1, 3), Candidate of Medical Sciences;
Associate Professor N. Drukker(1), Biol. Dr. (1)Research Institute of Obstetrics and Pediatrics, Rostov
State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Rostov-on-Don (2)Rostov State Medical University,
Ministry of Health of Russia, Rostov-on-Don (3)Kuban State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia,

Environmental changes and nutritional quality affect metabolic processes, which is accompanied by metabolic and endocrine diseases, especially in the child population. Objective. To substantiate the diagnostic examination and etiotropic therapy schemes that can reduce the influence of disease-producing factors on metabolism in male adolescents with alimentary obesity in environmental risk areas. Subjects and methods. Forty-five boys were examined: Group 1 consisted of 25 boys who lived in a technologically polluted area; Group 2 included 20 ones who lived in an ecologically clean area of the city. Group 3 comprised 10 healthy schoolchildren who had normal weight and lived in an ecologically clean area (a control group). Anthropometric indices, body mass index (BMI), Tanner stage of puberty, insulin resistance index, and complete blood count were determined. The urinary concentrations of lead (Pb), vanadium (V), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and selenium (Se) were measured by an atomic absorption method on a Kvant-Z analyzer (OOO «Kortek», Russia). The blood levels of glucose, lipid fractions, and malondialdehyde were estimated. The immune status was established by the level of the main classes of serum immunoglobulins by a radial immunodiffusion technique in gel. Adiponectin, leptin, cortisol, total testosterone, and insulin were detected by enzyme immunoassay on an Alisei Radium analyzer (Italy). The results were processed by statistical variation methods. Results. The most negative immune hormonal changes in the presence of microelementosis were found in boys from the environmental risk group. There was an inversely proportional relationship between adiponectin level and BMI. High leptin levels and lower urinary concentrations of Se, Cr, and V corresponded to increased BMI in children with hyperinsulinemic phenomena. No signs of microelementosis were observed in adolescents with slightly higher body weight. Conclusion. The findings suggest that mitosis plays an etiological role in neuroexchange disorders of homeostasis and provide evidence for the modification of a diagnostic examination and etiotropic therapy in male adolescents from environmental risk groups with alimentary obesity.

constitutive exogenous obesity
male adolescents
biomedical indicators

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