The cognitive domain of individual viability in elderly patients with hypertension

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Associate Professor O. Belousova(1), MD; Associate Professor O. Osipova(1), MD; M. Chupakha(1);
E. Voronina(2, 3), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor A. Ilnitski(1, 4), MD; E. Korshun(4), Candidate
of Medical Sciences (1)Belgorod State National Research University (2)Kuzbass Ministry of Social Protection
of the Population, Kemerovo (3)Gerontology Research Medical Center, Moscow (4)Academy of Postgraduate
Education, Federal Research and Clinical Center, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia, Moscow

A comprehensive clinical and organizational geriatric study was performed; continuous selection of patients aged 45 to 74 years was used to identify 3 groups differentiated by age and disability. The study revealed that the cognitive domain made the maximum (25.4%) contribution to the preservation of individual viability. In addition, the cognitive domain of individual viability was formed in the presence of insufficiently corrected hypertension and atherogenic changes of blood serum.

cognitive domain
elderly age
individual viability

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