Clinical and radiological comparisons of patients with HIV-related brain diseases

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A. Kaplitsky Branch, Military Medical Commission, Primary Healthcare Unit Twenty Three, Federal
Penitentiary Service of Russia, Krasnodar

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) changes were retrospectively analyzed in 48 patients with HIV-related brain diseases. Neuroimaging revealed no changes only in 8% of the examinees. The clinical data of patients with HIV-related brain diseases (neurological syndromes, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cytosis, CSF protein, and CSF glucose) were statistically analyzed depending on MRI changes. Significant differences in the incidence of pyramidal syndrome, cranial nerve lesions (CNL), and the value of cerebrospinal fluid cytosis were found between the patient group with multiple focal lesions on MRI and that without the lesions. There were also significant differences in CSF glucose levels between the patient group with single focal lesions on MRI and that with multiple focal lesions on MRI; with a lower significance in the group with no changes on MRI and in that with a single focal lesions on MRI, differences were observed in the following indicators: pyramidal syndrome and the values of CSF glucose and CSF cytosis.

infectious diseases
magnetic resonance imaging

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