Asthenic syndrome in Tuvinian schoolchildren: prevalence, age and gender differences, principles of treatment

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L. Evert(1, 3), MD; T. Potupchik(2), Candidate of Medical Sciences, S. Seren-ool(4), L.
Krysenko(5), Yu. Kostyuchenko(1) (1)Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Research Center, Siberian Branch,
Russian Academy of Sciences», Research Institute for Medical Problems of the North (Separate Subdivision),
Krasnoyarsk (2)Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of
Russia (3)N.F. Katanov Khakass State University, Abakan (4)Republican Children’s Hospital, Kyzyl
(5)Sharypovo District Hospital, Sharypovo

The paper reviews information on the etiology, risk factors, classification, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of asthenic syndrome (AS) in pediatric patients, as well as the results of the authors’ own studies of the prevalence of AS among Tuvinian schoolchildren. Objective: to study the prevalence of AS in Tuvinian schoolchildren, to comparatively analyze age and gender differences in this contingent with AS. Subjects and methods. In December 2020 to May 2021, cross-sectional screenings were performed in the random samples of 11–18-year-old adolescents of both sexes (pupils from 7 schools in Kyzyl and those from 1 school in the Kyzyl District). The survey involved 1148 teenagers (mean age, 13.7±1.6 years). The presence of AS was assessed using a screening questionnaire. The indicators were generally compared in the entire sample of the surveyed schoolchildren, as well as in the gender (boys and girls) and age (11–14 years and 15–18 years) groups. The data were processed using the Statistica 12 program for Windows. Results. The incidence of AS was found to be 12.2% of the entire sample population of the surveyed Tuvinian schoolchildren; AS was more common in the girls (17.8%) than in the boys (5.8%). There tended to be a higher prevalence of AS in the younger age group (13.3%) than in the older one (9.3%). The incidence of AS in the girls of both age groups was higher than that in the boys of the same age range. The findings suggest that there is a need for further investigation of various aspects of asthenic conditions in pediatric patients.

asthenic syndrome
risk factors
principles of treatment

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