Features of the geriatric status in patients with metabolic syndrome in the context of age-related viability

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2021-06-12
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E. Lysova(1); Professor N. Zhernakova(1), MD; N. Solyanova(2); O. Bochko(3); A.
Rukavishnikov(4), Candidate of Medical Sciences; O. Rozhdestvenskaya(5), Candidate of Medical Sciences
(1)Belgorod State National Research University (2)OOO Diagnostic Center, Belgorod (3)Gerontology Research
Medical Center, Moscow (4)Tosno Clinical Interdistrict Hospital (5)Academy of Postgraduate Education,
Federal Research and Clinical Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care and Medical Technologies, Federal
Biomedical Agency of Russia, Moscow

Objective: to develop and justify a rehabilitation program aimed at increasing the age-related viability of elderly patients with metabolic syndrome (MS). Subjects and methods. The prevalence of geriatric syndromes was considered in groups with different severity of MS. The sample size was 120 elderly patients. Taking into account the revealed features of the geriatric status, the rehabilitation program included balance exercises, brain gym elements, and cognitive training, by compiling an autobiographical diary, elements of neuroscience, as well as medical support with the neurotrophic drug cortexin 10 mg. Results and discussion. Patients with MS living in older people’s homes had the following geriatric syndromes that form age-related viability: falls (55.0±0.3%), vertigo (92.1±0.4%), diminished hearing (83.3±0.2%), impaired visual acuity (95.7±0.4%), and cognitive dysfunction (55.9±0.02%). The developed cognitive rehabilitation program contains techniques focused on the individual domains of age-related viability and includes the compilation of an autobiographical diary and lessons with neuroscience elements, balance exercises, and brain gym elements, Nordic walking in particular, as well as medical support with neurotrophic drugs. Conclusion. The developed cognitive rehabilitation program considerably reduces the severity of geriatric syndromes and increases the age-related viability of elderly patients with MS.

age-related viability
geriatric syndromes
elderly patients
metabolic syndrome

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