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Professor E. Krivoshchekov(1), MD; A. Poseriaev(4); E. Elshin(2); Professor V. Romanov(3), MD
(1)Samara State Medical University Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (2)Samara City Clinical
Hospital No.8 (3)Medical University «Reaviz», Samara (4)Ulyanovsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Ulyanovsk

In the article, the authors describe the experience of using in clinical practice the oral fibrinolytic in the conservative treatment of acute combined thrombosis of the saphenous and deep veins of the lower extremities against the background of the use of anticoagulants, flavonoid drugs, elastic compression of the lower extremities. The results of using the proposed treatment regimen in relation to the therapy of this pathology without prescribing a thrombolytic agent after 1, 3 and 6 months of treatment at the outpatient stage are presented. The dynamics of recanalization of the venous bed and the dynamics of reduction of clinical manifestations of the disease are analyzed. The safety of the treatment is also assessed.

saphenous vein thrombosis of the lower extremities
deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities
conservative treatment

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