The possibilities of using the topical anesthetic cream Anesta-A in cosmetology

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T. Potupchik(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences, E. Kangun(2), E. Shpakova(2) (1)Prof. V.F.
Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia 2«Triumph» Aesthetic
Medicine Clinic, Krasnoyarsk

The paper analyzes the mechanism of action, efficacy, and safety of the topical anesthetic Anesta®-A for topical local application in cosmetology. It gives the data of a comparative study of using the drug in various cosmetic manipulations and shows the advantages of the cream with lidocaine/prilocaine combination versus other topical local anesthetics (TLA). The proven analgesic effect and good safety profile of the cream Anesta®-A allow the latter to be considered as a first-line and optimal drug from the TLA group for various invasive procedures.

topical local anesthetics
invasive cosmetic manipulations

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