DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2020-11-14
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M. Lyasnikova, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor N. Belyakova, MD; N. Milaya; I.
Tsvetkova, Candidate of Medical Sciences; L. Slezkina, Candidate of Medical Sciences; A. Lareva, Candidate
of Medical Sciences Tver State Medical University of Healthcare Ministry of Russian Federation

The aim of present investigation was to study the role of different diagnostic criteria of phenotypes and their correlation with diseases and states associated with alimentary-constitutional obesity in females. Methods. There were examined 273 females with over weight and alimentary-constitutional obesity. Examination included anthropometry, measurement of blood pressure (BP), laboratory tests. All patients were separated on 4 groups depending on age and phenotype:1-st patients with normal sensitivity to insulin and without other characteristics of MS (30%); 2-nd – females with the resistance to insulin and without MS characteristics (15%); 3-d included patients with the insulin resistance and MS characteristics (37,8%); 4-th group – females with MS and normal sensitivity to insulin (17,2%). Results. Cardiovascular risks and phenotype of obesity are mostly determined by sensitivity to insulin and MS characteristics (triglycerides level, Cholesterol of high density and WC). Insuline resistance, already presented at young age, in 50% is accompanied by fat hepatitis, elevation of cholesterol total, Cholesterol of lipoproteines, leptine blood level and is a risk factor of development of MS on oldery. Metabolic syndrome, presented without insulin resistance, should be attributed to non-healthy obesity, because it increases cardio-vascular risk and in these patients fat hepatitis and hormonal and metabolic disbalances are confirmed more often.

metabolic phenotype
insulin resistance
metabolic syndrome

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