The use of the regulatory polypeptide Selank and combined phototherapy to enhance the efficiency of treatment in patients with atopic dermatitis

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E. Dontsova, L. Novikova, L. Borzunova, A. Bakhmetyev, N. Voronkova N.N. Burdenko Voronezh
State Medical University

In view of the insufficient efficiency of the currently known procedures to treat patients with atopic dermatitis (AD), there is a need to search for new approaches to solving this problem. Objective: to elaborate a therapeutic approach to treating patients with AD on the basis of combination use along with basic agents, as well as a drug from the group of regulatory peptides (such as Selank) and combined phototherapy (CPT). Subjects and methods. A group of 124 patients (mean age, 23.70±6.06 years) underwent a comparative evaluation of the efficiency of basic drug therapy (BDT) for AD, by additionally using the regulatory polypeptide Selank and CPT (narrowband medium-wave and broadband long-wave radiation (UVB-311 nm/UVA-320-400 nm)), as well as combinations thereof. Results. The combined use of BDT, Selanka, and CPT revealed the potentiation of the clinical effects of the therapeutic procedures used. At 1-year follow-up, the relative risk reduction in disease recurrence was 36% in the Selank + BDT group, 42% in the CPT + BDT group, and 78% in the Selank + CPT + BDT group, as compared to the BDT group. Conclusion. The developed treatment option provides the most effective reduction (78.8%) in the severity of cutaneous manifestations of AD, as shown by the SCORAD index, a 64.7% improvement in quality of life, and a 78% relative risk reduction in disease recurrence, as compared to BDT results.

atopic dermatitis
combined phototherapy

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