Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the assessment of a therapist’s knowledge. The results of the ASCO-II study

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R. Bontsevich, Candidate of Medical Sciences(1); A. Shershneva(1); Ya. Vovk(1); T.
Filinichenko(1); G. Prozorova(2), MD; Professor A. Kirichenko(3), MD; E. Ebzeeva(3), Candidate of Medical
Sciences; O. Kompaniets(4), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor V. Nevzorova(5), MD; I. Martynenko(5),
Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor G. Ketova(6), MD; V. Barysheva(6), Candidate of Medical Sciences;
E. Luchinina(7), Candidate of Medical Sciences; I. Galkina(8), Candidate of Medical Sciences; M.
Maksimov(9), MD; E. Mironenko(1)0, Candidate of Medical Sciences (1)Belgorod State National Research
University (2)N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University (3)Russian Medical Academy of Continuing
Professional Education, Moscow (4)Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar (5)Pacific State Medical
University, Vladivostok (6)South Ural State Medical University, Chelyabinsk (7)V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State
Medical University (8)Polyclinic Six, Smolensk (9)Kazan State Medical Academy, Branch, Russian Medical
Academy of Continuing Professional Education 10Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy (State Institution), Dnipro,

Objective: to determine the level of therapists’ basic knowledge about the management of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Material and methods. This study analyzed an anonymous multicenter survey within the ASCO project for the management of COPD patients. Results. The study revealed an insufficiently high level of therapists’ knowledge about the management of patients with COPD. When answering the questions, the respondents showed the smallest results in selecting laboratory and instrumental ones showing evidence of severe COPD symptoms; in indicating drugs for the basic therapy of COPD with obvious symptoms and a high risk of exacerbations; in selecting the clinical group (type) of COPD for the following criteria: 60% forced expiratory volume in one second, one exacerbation per year, mMRC-1, and CAT-9 and in choosing the appropriate statement regarding COPD treatment/control. Conclusion. An analysis of the study results revealed an insufficient level of specialists’ basic knowledge about COPD, which, in the authors’ opinion, necessitates additional educational measures in this area among the practitioners.

questioning survey
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
level of knowledge

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