Treatment with the medicine Mycoferon® of comorbid foot mycosis in a patient with plantar hyperhidrosis

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S. Peresadina Centre for Clinical Diagnostics №7, National Guard Forces Сommand of the Russian Federation, Moscow

This paper presents the clinical case of comorbid foot mycosis treatment. The intertriginous form of the disease has developed in a patient with plantar hyperhidrosis combined with the influence of external trigger factors. Traditional topical therapy of comorbid foot mycosis (with the use of Teymorov paste and terbinafine ointment), which continued for three months with breaks, was ineffective. A topical combined medication Mycoferon® was prescribed. Positive dynamics of the clinical picture of the disease was registered from the fourth day of Mycoferon® use. Clinical recovery was noted after two weeks since the treatment beginning, and microscopic examination revealed that there was no mycelium in the skin scrapes.

foot mycosis
local hyperhidrosis

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