Clinical and pathogenetic approaches to examining blood from patients with bladder cancer

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Professor T. Pavlova(1), MD; Professor V. Kulikovsky(1), MD; I. Pavlov(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; M. Chaplygina(1); D. Bessmertny(2) (1)Belgorod State National Research University (2)Regional Oncology Center, Belgorod

Examination of 86 blood samples from patients with bladder cancer by enzyme immunoassay and atomic force microscopy has shown that the morphometric characteristics of red blood cells and the concentrations of TuM2Pk, IL12, FGF, VEGF, IGF1, TNFα, and PSA vary according to the stage of the oncological process and age.

рак мочевого пузыря
иммуноферментный анализ
атомно-силовая микроскопия

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