Biopsychosocial predictors of the clinical course of alcohol dependence in women


Associate Professor I. Dubatova(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; N. Nikonova(2); Professor A. Safronenko(1), MD; I. Demidov(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences 1-Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-Don 2-Aksay Branch, Psychoneurology Dispensary, Kovalevka Settlement, Rostov Region

A clinical and follow-up study was conducted in 98 alcohol dependent women to establish the biological, psychological, and social predictors characterizing the rate of development and course of female alcoholism. An integrative approach (clinical-and-psychopathological, clinical-and-follow-up, experimental psychological, and statistical methods) was applied. An adapted standardized multifactorial questionnaire was used to assess the personality profile. The main predictors of the malignant course of female alcoholism were identified. Heredity, adverse microsocial environmental factors, and mental traumas play a crucial role in female alcoholism.

alcohol dependence
personality traits
psychotraumatic situation
microsocial conflict

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