The course and outcome of pregnancy in recurrent retrochorial hematoma


A. Kuznetsov(1); A. Martirosova(2), I. Ignatko(1), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences ; A. Rodionova(1) 1-I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) 2-N.E. Bauman City Clinical Hospital Twenty-Nine, Moscow Healthcare Department

The problem of miscarriage and preterm pregnancy does not lose its relevance. Symptoms of a threatened miscarriage develop in 25% of pregnant women, i.e. in almost every four pregnant women, while in 13.0–16.7%, they are accompanied by the formation of retrochorial hematomas (RCH) that, in turn, lead to disturbances in the normal processes of implantation, trophoblastic in-vasion, and the formation of a uteroplacental hemodynamic compartment. The aim of the investi-gation was to study the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and the outcomes of labor when detecting various RCH volumes at 6–26 weeks’ gestation. Recurrent RCH (retromembranous, in-termembranous, retroplacental) is a serious complication of pregnancy. Unlike the hematoma de-tected only in the early pregnancy stages (less than 10 weeks’ gestation), recurrent uteroplacental hemorrhages substantially disrupt placentation processes, causing a considerable increase in the risk of early preterm delivery [OR = 9.344; 95% CI 1.180-73.976], placental insufficiency [OR = 5.625; 95% CI 2.452-12.906], including decompensated, ante- and intrapartum losses [RR = 1.825; 95% CI 1.596–2.086].

obstetrics and gynecology
retrochorial hematoma
preterm labor
reproductive losses
placental insufficiency

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