Current approaches to rehabilitating children with gynecological cancer


Professor A. Solopova, MD; A. Vlasina; Yu. Nikulenkova I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the incidence of cancer not only in the adult population, but also in the pediatric one. Studies of tumors in different patient age categories have shown significant differences in their localization, structure, rates, nature of development, clinical presentations, and possibilities for diagnosis and treatment of this group of diseases. Genital tumors in pediatric and adolescent girls are a rare and poorly studied condition. However, untimely and (or) improperly rendered medical care for female reproductive system cancers can lead to grave consequences, such as hormonal homeostatic disorders, infertility, disability, and death. That is why it is so important to study and introduce rehabilitation measures for gynecological cancer patients, by taking into account their age, efficiency of recovery methods, and safety requirements, into the practical activities of oncologists, pediatricians, gynecologists, rehabilitation therapists, and other specialists. The purpose of this review was to analyze the pattern of gynecological cancer and evidence-based current approaches to different types of rehabilitation in children with this condition.

reproductive function preservation
quality of life
ovarian tumors
perivascular epitheloid cell tumors (PEComas)

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