Clinical case of sequential endoprosthesis replacement of large joints with subsequent removal of pseudotumor elbow in a patient with severe hemophilia A

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Professor V. Zorenko(1), MD; T. Polyanskaya(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; E. Karpov(1); N. Sadykova(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; A. Koroleva(1); A. Shuster(2), Candidate of Biological Sciences; Professor D. Kudlay2, MD; A. Borozinets(2), Candidate of Medical Sciences 1-National Medical Research Center of Hematology, Moscow 2-JSC «GENERIUM», Moscow

A specific feature of hemophilia, unlike many other hemorrhagic diathesis, is the defeat of the musculoskeletal system due to repeated bleedings. First described clinical case of the effective application of recombinant coagulation factor VIII (Octofactor, moroctocog alpha, JSC «GENERIUM») in a patient with hemophilia A during performing a series of sequential prosthetics of major joints. The use of moroctocog alpha in the required doses provides adequate hemostasis during surgery, as well as contributes to the favorable course of the postoperative period and timely discharge of the patient.

hemophilia A
moroctocog alpha
deforming arthrosis
endoprosthesis joint replacement

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