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M. Barilko(1); P. Seliverstov(2), Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor V. Radchenko(2), MD 1-L.G. Sokolov Clinical Hospital One Hundred and Twenty-Two, Federal Biomedical Agency, Saint Petersburg 2-I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, Saint. Petersburg

The colon microbiota was investigated in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and manifestations of renal failure. Colon dysbiosis was detected in all the patients, which was manifested predominantly by the proteolytic flora of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Enterobacter spp./Citrobacter spp., and clinically by the symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia (symptoms of tympanism and constipation). The use of Laminolact in CKD patients normalizes the colon microbiota and reduces the manifestations of renal failure.

intestinal microbiocenosis
chronic kidney disease
uremic toxins

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