The impact of ontogeny and the perinatal period on the development of nutrition-dependent diseases in young children

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E. Zamina; S. Naidyonkina, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor M. Ermakova, MD Izhevsk State Medical Academy City Children’s Clinical Polyclinic Eight, Izhevsk

Children suffering from nutrition-dependent diseases (NDDs), such as rickets, anemia, chronic nutritional disorders, have significantly more commonly a compromised biological history. Children with NDDs have more relatives with locomotor system diseases; those with rickets have more relatives with cardiovascular diseases. The greatest influence is exerted by extragenital diseases, especially anemia, in the mother and by obesity and specific infection foci in the group of children with rickets. A compromised biological history, recurrent pregnancy and labor, birth asphyxia, prematurity, low birth weight, and breastfeeding lasting

nutrition-dependent diseases
early age

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