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L. Puzyreva(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; A. Mordyk(1), MD; S. Rudenko(2), Candidate of Medical Sciences; N. Rusanova(2); V. Antropova(2), A. Pugachev(2), Candidate of Medical Sciences 1-Omsk State Medical University 2-Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary Four, Omsk

The impact of HIV infection, tuberculosis, and other diseases on the causes of death was evaluated in tuberculosis dispensary patients (n = 591). In 29.3% of the patients, the cause of death was malignant neoplasms that were diagnosed in only half of the patients in their lifetime; lung cancer was most common (in 13.4% of cases). The cause of death was diseases of the circulatory system in 17.1% of the patients and chronic hepatitis in the stage of cirrhosis in 13.4%. In half of the patients with nontuberculous diseases of the respiratory system, the diagnosis of tuberculosis established during their lifetime was not confirmed at autopsy.

infectious diseases
HIV infection
malignant neoplasms
causes of death
somatic pathology

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