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Professor S. Trofimova (1), MD; A. Trofimov (2), MD; Professor A. Ilnitsky (3), MD; Professor K. Proshchaev (4), MD 1 -Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology 2 -ZAO «Tree of Life. Clinic of Predictive Medicine», Saint Petersburg 3 -Institute of Advanced Training, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia, Moscow 4 -Gerontology Research Medical Center, Moscow

The paper sets forth the main current views of a new area, such as anti-aging medicine, the implementation of effective individual programs for preventing the development and progression of chronic diseases and age-related conditions. It presents the used innovative diagnostic methods, as well as prevention and treatment programs based on peptidergic regulation.

personalized medicine
anti-aging medicine
molecular genetic testing
biological age estimation
peptide bioregulators
decreased morbidity

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