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U. Julhakyan, Candidate of Medical Sciences; L. Al-Radi, Candidate of Medical Sciences; V. Dvirnyk, Candidate of Medical Sciences; T. Obukhova, Candidate of Medical Sciences; I. Galtseva, Candidate of Medical Sciences; S. Korzhova; A. Kovrigina, Biol. Dr.; Professor V. Savchenko, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Hematology Research Center, Moscow

Owing to the wide use of radiodiagnostic techniques, clinicians increasingly frequently encounter isolated splenomegaly, one of the causes of which may be lymphoproliferative diseases (LPDs). The enlarged spleen in LPDs may be both primary and secondary to disseminated tumors at other sites. The term splenic lymphoma (SL) is discussed in detail; LPDs that may be considered as SL. The application of an examination algorithm is one of the important components of the diagnosis of SL. A diagnostic algorithm is given with an indication of current studies.

splenic lymphoma
splenic marginal one B-cell lymphoma
hairy cell leukemia

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