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Professor I. Khamaganova (1), MD; A. Ermachenko (2); N. Tupichenkov (2) 1 -Russian national research medical university named after N.I. Pirogov 2 -Moscow scientific and practical centre for dermatology & venereology of the Moscow health department

The literature data and archive materials(2009–2014years) of «Veshnyakovsky» branch of the Moscow scientific and practical centre for dermatology & venereology of the Moscow health department, are presented. The efficacy & safety of Ammifurin therapy was shown in vitiligo, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, alopecia, localized scleroderma. The results of the usage of Ammifurin at «Veshnyakovsky» branch were presented in patients who suffered from different forms of psoriasis.

atopic dermatitis
localized scleroderema

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