Assessment of microvascular changes by capillaroscopy in patients with foot mycoses and recurrent lower extremity erysipelas

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Professor O. Nemchaninova, MD; M. Shishkina; Professor O. Pozdnyakova, MD; Professor S. Lykova, MD Novosibirsk State Medical University

The mortality rates were estimated in patients with mycosis and recurrent erysipelas of the lower extremities. Capillaroscopy was used for the first time, which could identify predominantly spastic-atonic microcirculatory disorders in 83.9% of these patients. The efficiency of therapy was also evaluated. It was concluded that combination treatment for foot mycosis, by applying magnetic therapy, could reduce the mean diameters of the venous portion of the microvasculature by 1.5 times, bring the mean diameters of its arterial and transitional portions to the normal limits, and also increase the rates of clinical cure by 14.3% and mycological cure by 17.8% compared with those of standard therapy. The findings may suggest that it is feasible to use capillaroscopy in patients with foot mycoses associated with recurrent lower extremity erysipelas for identification of the type of microcirculation, which is important for the choice of therapy, as well as to evaluate the efficiency of magnetic therapy in these patients

foot mycosis
recurrent lower extremity erysipelas
magnetic therapy

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