Inflammatory pseudotumors of the ileocecal angle

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V. Rubtsov(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor Yu. Chalyk(2), MD 1-OOO «Medical Di Center», Engels, Saratov Region 2-V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University

The differential diagnosis between inflammatory and neoplastic lesions of the ileocecal angle is a difficult task of abdominal surgery. At the same time, rather informative diagnostic techniques, such as ultrasound, computed tomography, and colonoscopy, do not always help a physician make the right diagnosis before complications dictating the need for surgery develop. These observations clearly demonstrate complexities in the timely diagnosis of inflammatory pseudotumors of the ileocecal region, which have required surgical treatment.

inflammatory pseudotumor
ileocecal angle
ileocecal region
Crohn’s disease

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