Features of tuberculosis in its concurrence with diabetes mellitus and HIV infection

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2018-12-04
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O. Komissarova(1, 2), MD; Professor R. Abdullaev(1), MD; A. Mikhailovsky(3) 1-Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Moscow 2-N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow 3-Orenburg Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary, Orenburg

A retrospective analysis of the features of the course of tuberculosis in patients (n=830) who had died from the progressive specific process showed that tuberculosis was commonly concurrent with diabetes mellitus (n=102), diabetes mellitus and HIV infection (n=32), and HIV infection (n=562); 134 patients had progressive forms of tuberculosis.

diabetes mellitus
HIV infection
multiple and broad drug resistance
Mycobacteria tuberculosis

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