Evaluation of the effectiveness of balneological product based on extraction from silt medical dirt for prosthodontic treatment with fixed constructions of patients with arterial hypertension

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2020-10-11
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Professor T. Danilina, MD; A. Zhidovinov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor;
V. Virabyan; D. Bobrov; A. Golovin Volgograd State Medical University

Orthopedic treatment with fixed structures leads to changes in microcirculation in the periodontal tissues of the supporting teeth. The rate of hemodynamic recovery largely depends on the general somatic state. This is due to the fact that patients with arterial hypertension the vasomotor activity of microvessels is reduced with an increase in the tone of the resistive link of the microvasculature, but in contrast to them, the balance of blood flow regulation mechanisms is characteristic for healthy people. Against the background of the balneological based on extraction from silt medical dirt treatment of patients with arterial hypertension, the processes of microcirculatory bed regeneration are accelerated. Determining the dependence of changes in periodontal microcirculation indicators on supporting teeth during an prosthodontic treatment using fixed constructions for patients with arterial hypertension with the use of balneological product based on extraction from silt medical dirt was the aim of this work. Under the supervision were 120 patients who applied for dental care, aged 22 to 65 years. Prosthodontic treatment was with fixed constructions. Dynamic observations using Laser Doppler Fluometry (LDF), carried out in the region of the roots of the abutment teeth before treatment and preparation of the design on days 3 and 7. The presence of arterial hypertension in patients was reflected in a change in the rate of restoration of microcirculation indicators. It was noted that with the use of the balneological product based on extraction from silt medical dirt in patients with arterial hypertension, the values of these indicators were close to those of people which were without this pathology, the indicates of effectiveness of the using this product in prosthodontic treatment.

laser Doppler flowmetry
balneological product
arterial hypertension

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