Some features of the reflection of myocardial ischemia on the electrocardiogram

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Professor A. Volobuev, Biol.D; P. Romanchuk, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor I.
Davydkin, MD; M. Dmitrieva, Candidate of Medical Sciences Samara State Medical University

The paper considers the problem of an association between myocardial ischemia and the reflection of this pathological process on the electrocardiogram (ECG). It analyzes the difference and relationship between the transmembrane potential of myocardial cells and the ECG signal. It is theoretically substantiated that the change in the location of the ECG ST segment is determined by the flux ratio of potassium and calcium ions through the membranes of myocardial cells. Impaired coronary blood flow results in an insufficient supply of calcium ions to the myocardial cells, which leads to any displacement of the ST segment from the zero potential line.

myocardial ischemia
coronary blood flow
potassium and calcium ions
ST segment

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