Corset therapy for diseases and injuries of the spine

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A. Yarikov(1), *, Candidate of Medical Sciences; I. Smirnov(2); A. Boyarshinov(3); Professor O.
Perlmutter(2, 3), MD; M. Khomchenkov(4); M. Shpagin, Candidate of Medical Sciences(2); A. Sosnin(1),
Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor A. Fraerman(2, 3), MD; Professor A. Mukhin(3), MD (1)Volga District
Medical Center, Federal Biomedical Agency, Nizhny Novgorod (2)City Clinical Hospital Thirty-Nine, Nizhny
Novgorod (3)Volga Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Nizhny Novgorod (4)Acad. G.A.
Ilizarov National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Ministry of Health of Russia,

Corset therapy is a violent non-invasive active treatment to correct the curved spine. Russian and foreign literature contains very little information on the role of corset therapy for spinal diseases. The paper presents a detailed classification of torso orthoses according to rigidity, manufacturing materials, localization, and tasks. It gives indications for and contraindications to their application, the biomechanical principles of construction, and the periods of corset therapy. The paper describes the role of corset treatment for idiopathic scoliosis, osteoporosis, trauma, degenerative and dystrophic diseases, and tumors. The latest data are given on the outcomes of corset therapy for idiopathic scoliosis. Orthotics should be individualized, taking into account the characteristics of spinal abnormalities, age, concomitant diseases, spinal growth potentials, and treatment tasks.

orthopedic corset
corset therapy
Cheneau brace

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