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Е. Vershinina(1, 2); G. Safarova(2), Doctor of Biological Sciences; I. Popovich(3), Doctor of
Biological Sciences; Professor V. Khavinson(1, 3), Corresponding Member of RAS (1)Pavlov Institute of
Physiology RAS, Saint Petersburg (2)Institute for Problems of Regional Economics, RAS, Saint Petersburg
(3)Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology

The paper presents the mathematical processing results of the data obtained from a clinical research on the effectiveness of a peptide preparation isolated from the pineal gland of calves – Epithalamin – in the elderly. The methods used for the statistical analysis suggest that administration of Epithalamin contributes to a statistically significant reduction in the patients’ mortality as compared to the control group. These data are an important fact and an objective logical continuation of many years of experimental studies of the effect of the peptide preparation of the pineal gland on various indicators of aging and carcinogenesis in animals.

clinical research
methods of mathematical statistics

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