Features of the course of community-acquired pneumonias in women of childbearing age

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2020-08-08
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O. Lavrova(1), MD; Professor M. Petrova(1), MD; V. Kulikov(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences;
A. Kucheryavenko(2), Candidate of Medical Sciences (1)Acad. I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical
University (2)S.P. Botkin Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital, Saint Petersburg

In recent years, the results of a number of studies have been published, suggesting the more severe course of community-acquired pneumonias in the gestation period. The data on the course of pneumonia in pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic are also extremely relevant. Objective: to compare the features of diagnosis, course, and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in women of childbearing age in the presence and absence of pregnancy. Subjects and methods. Case histories were used to comparatively analyze the course and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in women of childbearing age during pregnancy (n = 35) and non-gestation (n = 28). There are also data on the specific features of the course of COVID-19 during pregnancy. Results. Most (70%) pregnant women were hospitalized in the second trimester. During pregnancy, hospitalization was carried out in a significantly shorter time. On hospital admission, the number of patients with moderate disease was significantly higher, whereas saturation was significantly lower in the group of pregnant women; however, both groups showed mild symptoms represented by fever, cough that was mostly dry. The content of stab neutrophils was significantly higher in the group of pregnant patients. In both groups, initial antibacterial therapy was significantly more frequently performed with intravenous ceftriaxone than with other drugs. The duration of hospitalization did not differ in the groups and averaged 12 days. Conclusion. Based on the findings, the authors cannot conclude that there are substantial differences in the severity of the course and symptoms and in the duration of treatment for community-acquired pneumonia in pregnant women and women of childbearing age during the non-gestation period.

obstetrics and gynecology
infectious diseases
community-acquired pneumonia
childbearing age

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