Change in the psychosocial status of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients losing weight (a pilot study)

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I. Pashkova; I. Gatskikh, Candidate of Medical Sciences; T. Potupchik, Candidate of Medical
Sciences; T. Shalda; A. Galaktionov; I. Obednina Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical

The authors have evaluated the psychosocial status of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) during weight loss with the use of Reduxin Met. The data obtained from the SF-36 questionnaires suggest that weight loss in men and women positively affects the individual components of both their mental and physical health. Reduxin Met as a component of combination therapy for T2DM can be recommended for weight loss.

diabetes mellitus
psychosocial status
Reduxin Met

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