Tuberculosis prevention among young people

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O. Baronova(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor K. Amlaev(2), MD; L. Rudomakha(1)
(1)Territorial Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary, Stavropol (2)Stavropol State Medical University

The paper analyzes the spread of latent tuberculosis infection among young people. It has been established that the use of the recombinant tuberculosis allergen test and spiral computed tomography can detect both latent tuberculosis infection and post-tuberculosis changes. Preventive treatment with antituberculosis drugs stops active pulmonary tuberculosis in persons with latent TB infection. Informing university students about getting tuberculosis and its prevention contributes to the formation of commitments to prevention studies and prophylactic therapy.

latent tuberculosis infection
recombinant tuberculosis allergen test
preventive treatment

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