Hemorrhagic endobronchial syndrome in pulmonology practice: bronchoscopy findings

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2020-07-06
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M. Shteiner(1, 2), MD; Professor A. Zhestkov(2), MD; Yu. Biktagirov(2), Candidate of Medical
Sciences; Professor S. Babanov(2), MD; Professor E. Korymasov(2), MD; Professor E. Krivoshchekov(2), MD; A.
Protasov(2), MD; O. Kozlova(2), Candidate of Medical Sciences; V. Kulagina(3), Candidate of Medical
Sciences; T. Khuraskina(4) (1)Samara City Hospital Four; (2)Samara State Medical University; (3)Medical
University «REAVIZ», Samara; (4)Primary Healthcare Unit, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the
Samara Region

Hemorrhagic endobronchial symptoms were studied using the materials of 16,582 (100.0%) primary bronchoscopic biopsies from patients with nonspecific nontumor lung diseases. Hemorrhagic changes in the tracheobronchial tree mucosa, which were designated as hemorrhagic endobronchial syndrome, were detected in 793 (4.8%) patients. The studies revealed the following variants of hemorrhagic endobronchial syndrome: multiple petechial hemorrhages, hemorrhages from limited mucosal ruptures, and a hemorrhagic component of bronchial secretion. A combination of the hemorrhagic component of bronchial secretion and one or two other signs was found in a number of cases. A flow chart was proposed to assess the hemorrhagic component of bronchial secretion, by identifying its three grades. In most cases, the hemorrhagic endobronchial syndrome was clinically equivalent to hemoptysis or moderate pulmonary hemorrhage. No association was found between one or other variant of hemorrhagic endobronchial syndrome and specific nosological entities.

nonspecific nontumor lung diseases
hemorrhagic endobronchial syndrome
hemorrhagic component of bronchial secretion

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