Experience with anterior mediastinoplasty during pneumonectomy in patients with advanced destructive pulmonary tuberculosis

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2020-05-12
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A. Ergeshova(1); E. Krasnikova(1), MD; V. Aliev(1); R. Tarasov(1); D. Prokhodtsov(1); B. Salikhov(2); Professor M. Bagirov(1), MD (1)Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Moscow (2)Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Hospital, Kaluga

The paper demonstrates a new low-traumatic method to prevent post-pneumonectomic mediastinal lung herniation – anterior mediastinal plastic surgery using own tissues, which is performed simultaneously with pneumonectomy in patients with advanced pulmonary tuberculosis.

surgical treatment
mediastinal herniation

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