The indices of gastric mucosal epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis in Helicobacter pylori-positive duodenal ulcer in the native inhabitants of the Republic of Tuva

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Professor V. Tsukanov, MD; O. Peretyatko, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor A. Pulikov, MD; A. Vasyutin, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Yu. Tonkikh, Candidate of Medical Sciences; T. Polivanova, MD; V. Vshivkov, Candidate of Medical Sciences Research Institute for Medical Problems of the North (Separate Subdivision), Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Research Center, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences», Krasnoyarsk

Objective: to study the indices of gastric mucosal epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis in Helicobacter pylori-positive duodenal ulcer (DU) in the native inhabitants of the Republic of Tuva. Methods. In the Republic of Tuva, during a clinical and epidemiological study, an immunohistochemical study of gastric mucosal epithelial cells was performed to identify the markers of proliferation (Ki-67 and PCNA) and apoptosis (bcl-2 and p53) in 32 Tuvans (15 men and 17 women; mean age, 47.7 years) with Hp-positive DU and 24 Hp-positive Tuvans (12 men and 12 women; mean age, 46.4 years) without DU. Results. The apoptotic indices (bcl-2 and p53) did not differ significantly when comparing the patients with DU and the control group. The epithelial cell proliferation markers (Ki-67 and PCNA) and regulatory coefficients (proliferative/apoptotic indices) were significantly higher in the patients with DU than in those without DU. Conclusion. The indigenous inhabitants of the Republic of Tuva show a shift in the gastric epithelial cell proliferative-apoptotic relationships towards a higher proliferative activity in patients with Hp-associated DU than in those without DU who have Hp infection.

peptic ulcer
Helicobacter pylori

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